Laycock Construction is committed to reducing the impact of its operations on the environment. We acknowledge that as a service organisation we can minimise the negative impact on the environment in many small ways as well as be a role model for responsible and sustainable environmental behaviour of our staff and suppliers. The key principles and actions underpinning our policy are:
Laycock Constructions PTY LTD is committed to enforce the Health & Safety of those who work either directly or indirectly for Laycock Construction it is of the utmost importance to Senior
Management. It is our commitment to:
- Take environmental issues seriously at a Senior Management Level
- Develop and support small-scale environmental improvement plans at sites wherever possible
- Consulting with employees and suppliers to ensure that environmental impacts on sites are understood and addressed effectively.
We maintain and continuously improve a Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and all environmental legislation and other requirements which are relevant to Laycock Construction.
Our environmental objectives are to:
- Minimise environmental impact to land, water, air, flora and fauna
- Prevention of pollution, protect the environment, preserve natural resources and conserve all heritages
- Reducing our carbon footprint
To achieve these objectives, we shall act to:
- Ensure high levels of management and staff involvement in achieving stated objectives
- Continuously engage all stakeholders in meaningful consultation and communication
- Use suppliers, wherever possible, who have similar environmental objectives as ourselves and give preference to environmentally friendly products and equipment
- Always weigh the environmental benefits of a product equally with its price and safety benefits
- Measure our performance and use this information for continual improvement of our services and Management System
- Drive a culture of continuous environmental improvement with a focus on material recycling (scrap metal and concrete).
It has been identified that material re-usage, repurposing or recycling is an area where the company has the greatest opportunity to reduce its impact. Laycock Construction takes the initiative to recycle concrete and scrap metals where possible. Laycock Construction’s environmental policy is applicable to our Directors and employees. It expresses our ongoing commitment to understand, abide by and regularly review these key principles and actions.